Preparation Before a Flood

If you receive a Flood Warning message from Natural Resources Wales, it is important for you to know the time of the high tide – ( Flooding can occur two hours either side of high water, therefore the more information you have, the more prepared you can be. There are several things that you can do prior to receiving a warning.

It is important for you to make a list of things to help protect yourself, your family and belongings. A Personal Flood Plan can help you with this. You can find a copy of a Personal Flood Plan on Natural Resources Wales’ website.

One way of protecting your property from flooding is by purchasing sand bags and sand from your local Builders Merchants. Keep the sand in a dry place and do not put the sand in the bags until required as this can rot the bags. Additional items such as Flood Gates, Boards, Hydrosacks and HydroSnakes can also be purchased.

Keep the following Flood Kit / Grab Bag items close to hand in case of evacuation:

·        Copies of Important Documents – Marriage, Insurance, Passport etc

·        Torch (wind up if possible) with spare batteries

·        Small First Aid Kit

·        Medication

·        Tinned Food & Can Opener

·        Fresh Water (bottled) and non-perishable foods

·        Baby food and baby care items.

·        Toiletries

·        Pair of gloves

·        Warm, waterproof clothing and blankets

·        Clean under garments

·        If you wear spectacles – a spare pair

·        Pet Food – if you have a pet

·        Battery operated radio

·        List of contact telephone numbers for relatives

·        Mobile phone & charger if you have one

·        Valuables

Make a list of the things to do prior to leaving your property. You could also fill out your Personal Flood Plan to help you.

·        Switching off electricity at Mains supply

·        Turning off  Water supply at Stop Cock

·        Turn off Gas supply at entrance to property

·        Turn off outside Fuel (Diesel) tank

·        Lift essential furniture off floor to highest point in your property

·        Lock up Garages, sheds etc

·        Secure any other items in and around your property

·        If you are being asked to evacuate, notify closest relatives as to what is happening.

·        Leave any fridge, washing machine and freezer door open to prevent floating

·        Empty clothes from drawers to highest point

·        Place any furniture on top of tables, including TVs etc.

Please note that Flood Wardens are unable to assist you in protecting your property or help you evacuate from the area.

Depending on the situation, the North Wales Police in consultation with their partner agencies, will decide whether there is a requirement to evacuate some properties or the whole Community of Fairbourne. If the decision is made to evacuate, Emergency services and volunteers will speak with residents advising them to leave their property. A record of which properties have been evacuated will be maintained. This will be done by using small coloured labels. It will be the responsibility of the resident to remove these on their return to their property.

If you require assistance to evacuate your property, you should complete a ‘Vulnerable Person’ Form if you have not already done so, and give it to your local Flood Warden. This information will be shared with the Police who will be coordinating the evacuation process.

We would advise everybody to leave their property via the Level Crossing especially if on foot, as the road from Friog Corner to the Toll House and the junction of the A493, is likely to be closed. This will help in the keeping a list of those residents that have vacated their property.

A Check Point will be set up on the Mountain side of the Level Crossing and if you require to go to a ‘Rest Centre’, this could be at Friog Primary School or if it has reached full capacity and you have your own transport, you could be directed to another Rest Centre. If possible these Centres will be set up and managed by Gwynedd Council. Every effort will be made by staff to arrive safely, but the community might have to assist at these centres.

If you are on foot and do not have your own transport and are directed to another Rest Centre, Gwynedd Council will be responsible for transporting you to the appropriate Rest Centre.

Parking for the Rest Centre in Friog will be on the A493 facing Tywyn. Please follow the Highway Code and park safely.







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