Who are the Flood Wardens?


·        They are Volunteers who act as a communication link between the community, Natural Resources Wales, Gwynedd Council and other organisations before, during and after a flood.

·        They can help ensure Natural Resources Wales’ Flood Warning messages are explained to the local community.

·        They can act as ‘eyes and ears’ by updating Natural Resources Wales, Gwynedd Council and other organisations about any issues relating to flooding in the community.

·        The Senior Warden will be provided with a direct communication link with Natural Resources Wales' Flood Incident Duty Officer.

·        They are not able to assist householders in helping to evacuate their property, but can provide information to the Emergency Services as required.


What can Flood Wardens do before a Flood?


·        Help to raise awareness of flooding issues within their area and what actions residents can take to protect their home.

·        Help identify vulnerable residents within their area.

·        Encourage all residents to register for Flood Warnings if they have not already done so.

·        Ensure they are aware of the Floodline Number 0345 988 1188 (Not Free), Natural Resources Wales' Website (www.naturalresources.wales) and the Senior Flood Warden’s email address (floodwardensfairbourne@outlook.com) if they have any questions or issues to raise.

·        Promote self help within the community, and encourage people to complete a personal flood plan.

·        Pass on issues such as blockages and damage to flood defences to the Senior Flood Warden for reporting to the relevant organisation.


Flood Wardens' Role During a Flood


The main role of a Flood Warden prior to a flood is to give advice. During a flood, the flood wardens will assist the Emergency Services with their local knowledge in particular with regards to the vulnerable people that need evacuating. Some Flood Wardens within the flooded area may however be involved in their own evacuation of their family etc. Other wardens from within the community may well be called in to assist to help in the possible evacuation.





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